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Five on Friday: Significant Risks to Health Workers During Pandemic

Health Care Worker putting on PPE

It can be a challenge to select just five pieces to highlight each week. Here are some of the articles that we bet you haven’t seen yet this week -- and we think you’ll enjoy them and maybe find them useful in your own work in health justice in the age of COVID-19.


Rendering of Coronavirus

Laz uses David Aronoff, MD’s metaphor to describe to COVID-19 patients how remdesivir is only effective when given early in the course of disease: “Aronoff likened the virus to an arsonist setting fires, and antivirals like remdesivir as the police trying to catch the arsonist before they set more fires. ‘But once the building is on fire, it doesn't matter where the arsonist is,’” from “Remdesivir Data From NIAID Trial Published.”

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Sheets of pills

Laz also shared the BMJ letter on research that included that patients with lupus on long-term hydroxychloroquine for lupus still contracted COVID-19, and at similar severity, to those not on antimalarials: “Baseline Use of Hydroxychloroquine in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Does Not Preclude SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Severe COVID-19.” 

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A Health Worker takes a sample from a patient

Kaethe shared “Studies Show Significant Risks to Health Workers During Pandemic,” an article reviewing new research on work-related transmission and the need for better protection. 

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Health Workers in PPE

Amy also shared, “Migrant child died after release from detention, attorneys group alleges.”

Amy shared the New York Times article, “They Evoke Darth Vader, but These Masks May Save Your Doctor’s Life,” about elastomeric respirators as the N95 respirator shortage rages on. 

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Immigrant workers in the field

Weekly Win: Claire shared, “They Aimed to Raise $100,000 for Undocumented Immigrants in Washington State. They’re Over $3M.”


Have a safe and healthy weekend.


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