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Five on Friday: The Impact of a 'Tripledemic'

   Five on Friday: The Impact of a 'Tripledemic'

It’s Friday again! Here are five pieces selected by MCN staff to share with you.

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Pam forwarded this BMC Public Health open-access research piece. “When You Leave Your Country, This Is What You’re in for”: Experiences of Structural, Legal, and Gender-Based Violence among Asylum-Seeking Women at the Mexico-US Border

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A person coughing

Kaethe recommended this upcoming webinar with Dr. Eric Topol on this coming Tuesday: COVID-19, Flu, and RSV: How the 'Tripledemic' Impacts Your Practice

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letter blocks that spell both fact and fake

Del forwarded the announcement of this Monday’s webinar from the CD Network and others, focused on how misinformation and anti-vaccine activism has globalized: The Deadly Rise of Anti-Science: A Scientist’s Warning

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Jillian recommended this recent episode of the American Journal of Public Health’s podcast, which covers COVID-19's impact on workers, whether it aggravated inequities, and what public health needs to do better the next time. The Occupational Dimension of Public Health

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 Fruits and vegetables

Weekly Win: Vegetables and fruit are the winners!! Claire offered up this NPR segment and article on recent research found that providing fruit and vegetables to patients lowers hemoglobin A1C, improves blood pressure control, and provides other health benefits. Prescriptions for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Help Boost Heart Health

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Have a safe and healthy weekend!