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Nadie sabe que respira... Hasta que la falta el aire!

Este libro cómico es un apoyo para los promotores de salud en transmitir información básica sobre la salud respiratoria y la contaminación del aire. Incluye conceptos básicos del Sistema respiratorio, elmaterial particulado, el indice de Calidad del aire, fuentes de contaminacion del aire y el equipo de protecciónpersonal que los trabajadores al airelibre deben de usar para protegerse de las enferemedes respiratorias.

Normas de protección

Worker Protection Standard Pesticide Safety Training Curriculum - Culturally and linguistically appropriate curriculum with supporting resources for training workers on the revised Worker Protection Standard. Developed by the Florida State University PISCA Project and Migrant Clinicians Network.

This colorful bilingual comic addresses workers' compensation and immigrant dairy farm workers’ rights and responsibilities. It tells the story of a Mexican dairy farm worker who is injured on the job and the steps he and his employer take to make sure he receives his benefits, and the farm improves its safety. 

This pilot project was a collaborative effort involving project partners Futures Without Violence, Alianza Nacional de Campesinas, Líderes Campesinas, RAND, and Migrant Clinicians Network and was made possible with the support of California's ACEs Aware initiative through the UCLA-UCSF ACEs Aware Family Resilience Network (UCAAN) pilot program. 

Education, screening, and response with evidence-based interventions are critical to addressing ACEs. However, ACEs education and screening that are culturally aware are not currently reaching farmworker communities in California. NACES aimed to increase opportunities for farmworkers to inform health care screening and responses to ACEs, increase ACEs education in farmworker communities, build partnerships between community health centers and community-based organizations, and ultimately improve access to care.

The project was divided into two parts, a community-based component presented in this report and a clinical component that examines how the results and recommendations of this community-based portion changed health center outreach, education, and response to ACEs. The community-based component was divided into two phases. Phase 1 involved the evaluation of farmworker leader training and Phase 2, the evaluation of the peer-led farmworker training.

The evaluation team employed a participatory action research (PAR) approach, developing instruments, presenting, and validating results with the partners to ensure active participation and collective action from all project partners and the farmworker leaders themselves.

Adults Get Vaccinated Too is an educational tool in the form of a comic book for health educators who work with the community and who need to provide information about vaccinations, when and where they are administered, and the symptoms that characterize the diseases they prevent.

Through a conversation between farmworkers in the field, this colorful and easy-to-understand comic book helps its readers to learn, in a simple and natural way, the importance of getting vaccinated and boosting their vaccines during their adulthood to prevent diseases such as hepatitis B, meningitis, chickenpox, influenza, tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, measles, mumps, rubella and COVID-19.

English presentation

Below clinicians can find Powerpoint Presentations about misinformation and disinformation which they can present to fellow clinicians, patients, and their community.

COVID Catch-up with Dr. Madaras and Dr. Gálvez

English FAQ Videos:

August 2023:

What do we know about COVID variant BA.2.86? | COVID Catch-up

People are confused on what to do if they feel sick. What info should I be sharing? | COVID Catch-up

July 2023: 

Is Metformin a Treatment for Long COVID? | COVID Catch-up

Do We Have an Agreed-Upon Definition of Long COVID? | COVID Catch-up

An Update from Dr. Laszlo Madaras | COVID Catch-up

March 2023:

Treatment options for immunocompromised patients feel limited. What can they do? | COVID Catch up

November 2022:

How do I help my community, particularly essential workers, stay safe from COVID? | COVID Catch up

A community member is on day 5 of COVID symptoms, what should I recommend? | COVID Catch up

August 2022:

I Was Exposed to COVID and Tested Negative. Should I Test Again? | COVID Catch up

July 2022:

Diabetes and COVID | COVID Catch-up

April 2022:

Mask mandates have ended, should my patients wear a mask? | COVID Catch-up

What does COVID-19 do to the heart? | COVID Catch-up

Spanish FAQ Videos:

Julio 2023:

¿Se puede tratar COVID-19 prolongado con metformina? | Póngase al día

¿Tenemos una definición de COVID-19 prolongado en la que todos estemos de acuerdo? | Póngase al día

Abril 2023:

Qué pueden hacer lo pacientes inmunocomprometidos cuando las opciones de tratamiento son limitadas | Póngase al día

Agosto 2022:

¿Cuáles son las conexiones entre la diabetes y la COVID? | Póngase al día

Abril 2022:

¿Debo animar a mis pacientes a usar mascarilla? - abril 2022 | Póngase al día

¿Cómo afecta la COVID el corazón? - abril 2022 | Póngase al día

Marzo 2022:

Que hacer si estuve en contacto con alguien que tenía COVID-19 | Póngase al día

Mi Salud es mi tesoro - Puerto Rico

La diabetes es una condición de salud común pero complicada que enfrentan los trabajadores agrícolas. Para ayudarles a conocer sobre esta enfermedad, Migrant Clinicians Network se asoció con Salvador Sáenz (artista profesional y coloborador) para crear "Mi salud es mi tesoro: una guía para vivir bien con diabetes". Este libro cómico en español explora el tema a través de la historia de un trabajador agrícola, quien recientemente fue diagnosticado con diabetes.