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This monograph looks at the incidence of cancer in mobile populations as well as significant issues in cancer screening, treatment and prevention for this population.
Sample nursing protocol on vaccine administration.
Sample nursing protocol for the assessment and treatment of small wounds.
To safeguard finances through proper documentation of payments for goods or services.

This site is presented as a free medical Spanish immersion, with vocabulary including greetings, history, examination, and everyday speech, all with translation and audio. It is designed to be helpful for a variety of medical personnel. In addition to introducing Spanish medical terms, this site will hopefully improve fluency and even cultural competency.

Each dialogue consists of a few statements from the patient, the patient's family, and healthcare providers. Click to hear my voice and pronunciation. Then, repeat aloud everything you hear. When listening to Spanish medical phrases, feel free to use the pause button, and, of course, replay the recordings when needed.

Spanish brochure to help workers prevent taking lead into their homes from the CA Dept. Public Health, Occupational Health Branch - The Occupational Lead Poisoning Prevention Program.


Women's Health Check and the Idaho Breast and Cervical Cancer Alliance are active participants in the fight against cancer in Idaho. Check out what they're doing and how you can be a part of it 1 800-926-2588.

The US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants has recently posted 10 NEW health brochures on their website. All the brochures are available for download free of charge. The topics covered in this new batch of brochures are as follows: Violence in the Home, Health Insurance and Medicaid, Living with Disabilities in the US, Personal and Home Hygiene, Dental Care and Hygiene, Healthy Pregnancy, Keeping Your Baby Healthy, Watching Your Child Grow, Common Respiratory Infections (Bronchitis, Influenza, and Pneumonia) and Asthma. These brochures are a great tool to help fill in communication gaps between the service provider and the client. All brochures are written at a 5th grade reading level and are culturally appropriate. This batch of brochures are available in Arabic, Vietnamese, English, Burmese, Karen, Swahili, French, Somali, Spanish, Hmong, Farsi, Kirundi, Bosnian and Russian.


A Shot of Quality Improvement!

Welcome to Immu-News, the Immunization Initiatives listserv, a monthly resource for the community of participants in this project.

All health care delivery organizations are required to have quality assurance and quality improvement programs, but it is often difficult to make these efforts really meaningful in the everyday practice of serving patients. This month’s Immu-News suggests a number of immunization quality measurements that you can adapt to your local setting. We are finding from our site visits that many of you really struggle with understanding who is getting immunized, who is missed, and what the root causes are for the gap between your goal of full immunization and the present reality at your center. Additionally, immunization data gathering is often very time consuming, often duplicated several times over for various outside agencies, and often not in step with the ways changes are made in other parts of your organization. Here are a few ideas from us, and we welcome responses back from you that will continually improve immunization practices.

Addressing the Big Four: On-Time Immunizations, Knowing Your Baseline, Making Improvement, and Accurate Records

Our four quality topics will cover:

  • Immunization reminder systems
  • Baseline immunization rate audits
  • Measuring success
  • Patient self-management in record retrieval



May is Hepatitis Awareness Month. In light of this, we're posting a special edition for the month of May. The Migrant Clinicians Network is happy to release the position paper "Hepatitis Screening, Immunization and Testing for Mobile Populations and Immigrants from Latin America and the Caribbean." This paper clarifies standard hepatitis recommendations for these populations.
