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Five on Friday | March 3, 2017

MCN Five on Friday


Phew, finally got to Friday. Before we head out for the weekend, we wanted to share a few pieces that got us talking here at MCN. 

  1. Both Ricardo, Manager of Health Network, and Del, Director of International Projects, Research, and Development, shared The Union’s response to a WHO exclusion of TB in its new list of antibiotic-resistant ‘priority pathogens.’ Here’s the press release, entitled, “The Union demands that TB be included in the WHO list of bacteria for which new antibiotics urgently needed.”

  2. Theressa,Training and Technical Assistance Coordinator, reminded us that the Midwest Stream Forum is now calling for abstracts for the September conference, which will be held in Michigan.

  3. Olivia, Health Network Associate, forwarded on a Teen Vogue article, expressing surprise that the magazine featured such content as “What It’s Like to Be a Teen Living in an Immigration Detention Center.”

  4. Jillian, Director of Professional Development and Education, shared Fair Trade Certified’s newly updated agricultural production standards that farms around the world will need to adhere to if they wish to use the Fair Trade label. The new guidelines go into effect on May 1st. 

  5. Corey, Communications & Graphic Designer, shared a story about a new film on the life of Dr. Alfredo Quiñones Hinojosa, the chair of Neurological Surgery at the Mayo Clinic who started out as an agricultural worker without authorization to live in the US. Many MCNers chimed in, calling Dr. Q a good friend of MCN, and commenting on both personal and professional encounters with the now-famed surgeon. Lasz, Co-Chief Medical Officer (originally from Hungary) says “When Dr Alfredo Quiñones (originally from Mexico) was at Johns Hopkins in 2015, he recommended his neurosurgical partner Dr. Tamargo (originally from Cuba, and an expert at my wife's particular type of brain tumor) to perform the life saving operation, and I have them to thank for having Enid Madaras (originally from Ireland) here with us today.” A truly American story!   Congratulations, Dr. Q!


Have a safe and healthy weekend!


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