This algorithm in English and Spanish can be used by health center program grantees as part of the intake process to identify farmworker patients. It incorporates HRSA’s 2012 revised definition of migrant and seasonal farmworkers.
- IDMigrantSeasonalFarmwrkrs_2015Jul_0.pdf (427.49 KB)
- fpm20110100p22-rt3.pdf (206.84 KB)
- IntHistDepoEngSpan.doc (36 KB)
- AdultHealthHistoryQ.pdf (508.01 KB)
- OralAnticoagulationFlowSheet.pdf (233.33 KB)
- DiabeticFlowSheet9.pdf (228.8 KB)
- DiabetesFlowSheet5.pdf (32.49 KB)
- DiabetesOutpatinetEncounte.doc (63.5 KB)
- AsthmaVisitFlowSheet.pdf (81.44 KB)
Policies such as this will eliminate accidental or innocent destruction of important documentation. It is important for administrative personnel to know the length of time records should be retained to be in compliance.
- 3.04.17 Perinatal Protocol.doc (50.5 KB)
- PediatricHealthMaintenance.pdf (690.98 KB)
- AdolescentChildExam.pdf (222.44 KB)
- p4401.pdf (39.6 KB)
- HistoriaMedica.doc (62 KB)
- IntHisOCSEngSpan.doc (41 KB)
A Spanish translation of the 1-page sample social history form.
- HistoriaSocial.doc (35 KB)
This resource provides a straightforward tool to use to develop effective hepatitis risk assessment with adult clients through your clinic charting system.
- HepatitisChartingHandoutstd.pdf (562 KB)
This is a one page tool used by community health workers to evaluate individuals for family violence. The tool is designed for use with low literacy populations and uses pictures instead of words to communicate.
- ICONFormEnglish2.pdf (304.19 KB)
- ICONFormSpanish.pdf (318.43 KB)
One page tool to use in evaluating the possibility of physical abuse.
- EvaluationforPhysicalAbuse.pdf (73.11 KB)
- PreNatalHealthHistorySpanish.pdf (33.42 KB)
The "Keep It With You" (KIWY) Personal Medical Information Form is intended to be a voluntary and temporary record that lists medical care and other health information for people who need care during disasters and similar situations.
- kiwy.pdf (70.59 KB)
- HypertensionInitial.doc (30.5 KB)
- asthmainitial.doc (38 KB)
- AdultAdolescentAssessmentForm.pdf (36.05 KB)