Intrusion detection provides two important functions in protecting information resources:
To keep financial records safe
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- SafekeepingFinancialRecords.doc (36.5 KB)
To document the receipt of donations or funding.
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- Receivables.doc (37 KB)
To safeguard finances through the proper documentation of products or supplies received.
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- Receiving.doc (37 KB)
To safeguard the handling of cash received as a donation or payment for goods
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- RecievingCash.doc (39 KB)
To reconcile bank statements with records
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- ReconcilingBankStatements.doc (40.5 KB)
To reconcile anticipated income and expenses with actual income and expenses.
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- ReconcilingBudgets.doc (37 KB)
To safeguard finances through proper documentation of payments for support services and fees.
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- ProfessionalFees.doc (37 KB)
To outline the procedures for reimbursing employees.
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To safeguard finances through proper documentation of expenditures related to purchasing.
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- Purchasing(OLD).doc (38 KB)
To comply with all federal, state, and other tax laws.
To safeguard finances through proper allocation of payroll.
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- PayrollChecks.doc (39.5 KB)
To safeguard finances through proper documentation of payroll.
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- PayrollRecords.doc (40.5 KB)
To incorporate new employees, or changes to employee information, into the payroll system.
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- PersonnelRecords.doc (37 KB)
To maintain and safeguard petty cash available for use.
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- PettyCash.doc (37.5 KB)
To outline procedures for merit increases or bonuses for employees or contractors.
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- MeritIncreaseorBonus.doc (41 KB)
To document the receipt of monetary contributions.
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- MonetaryContributions.doc (36.5 KB)
To safeguard finances through proper documentation of payments for goods or services.
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- PayingBills.doc (42.5 KB)
To allow for indirect costs to be included in funding requests.
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- IndirectCosts.doc (38 KB)
To protect staff members and officers by maintaining a corporate insurance policy.
To safeguard investments by distributing tasks related to investments to more than one individual.
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- Investments.doc (37 KB)
To prohibit loans to employees and Board members
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- LoansToStaffOrBoard.doc (36 KB)
To safeguard grant revenue received from funders
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- GrantRevenue.doc (41 KB)
To document the donation of goods or services.
To safeguard financial resources by ensuring that electronic funds transfers are legitimate and properly approved.
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- ElectronicFundsTransfers.doc (41.5 KB)
To establish an oversight board for planning, implementing, and following up on audits and other financial operations.
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- FinanceCommittee.doc (45.5 KB)
To plan for financially related tasks; which must be performed on a regular basis.
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- FinancialCalendar.doc (44.5 KB)
To establish policies and procedures that govern the financial operations.