For the first time, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has released an e-book version of its Guide to Clinical Preventive Services. The e-book is compatible with many readers, including Kindle, Nook, iBook, and Kobo. The new “Guide to Clinical Preventive Services, 2014” is a comprehensive resource that can help primary care clinicians and patients decide together which preventive services are right for a patient’s needs. It includes all active Task Force evidence-based recommendations since 2004, including 28 new and updated recommendations since the 2012 guide, in a format meant for use at the point of patient care. It also includes information about topics in development, clinical summary tables and additional resources.
This booklet is intended to help Community Health Centers put in place an effective and efficient workers' compensation program.
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- MedicalServicestoWorkers-2012.03.27.pdf (5.57 MB)
To provide guidelines for a thorough and consistent management of immunizations to our Clients throughout the Waimanalo Health Center.
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- 2004+immunization+protocol.doc (35 KB)
An encounter between a nurse and a patient in which the nurse acts as an independent provider of medical services, under the delegation and supervision of a physician, nurse practitioner, or physician’s assistant, who has no direct contact with the patient during that visit.
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- Nursing+Visit.doc (62 KB)
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- 3B.1.31Depo Statement of Abstinence.doc (22.5 KB)
To establish a procedure by which a patient may have a throat culture performed and strep throat treated without a provider visit.
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- Throat culture.doc (28 KB)
To provide for pertussis prophylaxis by the Registered Nurse to avoid pertussis infection and spread of clinical disease in patients served by the LSCHC.
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To establish guidelines by which the RN may diagnose and manage a patient with pinworms.
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- Pinworms Protocol.doc (29.5 KB)
To provide guidelines by which the registered nurse may provide Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) to patients who are attempting smoking cessation. Research shows that NRT generally increases the rates of smoking cessation, therefore, except in the presence of serious medical precautions, NRT should be encouraged in smokers interested in quitting.
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To establish guidelines by which the registered nurse may diagnose and manage a patient with cerumen impaction.
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- Cerumen Removal Protocol.doc (30 KB)
Policy statement for clinics to use for injectable contraceptive medications given to female patients at risk of pregnancy.
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Clinic policy to improve assessment of treatment goals for diabetic patients.
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- StandingOrders-Diabetes.doc (22 KB)
Sample policy describing the procedure for physician on call.
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- PhysicianonCall.doc (19 KB)
Sample policy on Early Preventative Screening Detection Tests.
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- EPSDTPolicy.doc (20.5 KB)
Sample clinic policy on the treatment of minors.
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- Treatment_of_minors.pdf (69.44 KB)
Sample clinic policy for pediatric immunizations
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- PediatricImmunizationPolicy.doc (24.5 KB)
Sample clinic policy to assure that pregnant women receive thorough and consistent care throughout pregnancy and postpartum
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- OngoingMaternityAssessment.doc (25 KB)
Sample clinic policy stating that pregnant patients will receive thorough and prompt prenatal assessment and assignment to care
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- InitialMaternityAssessment.doc (21 KB)
Advance directive description and policy in Spanish.
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- AdvanceDirectivesSpanish.pdf (102.82 KB)
General description and elements of an advance directive policy.
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- 187_AdvanceDirectives.pdf (142.58 KB)
Sample Clinic policy for offering and educating on advance directives to patients.
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- AdvanceDirectives.doc (21.5 KB)
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Medication refills may be approved by an RN with co-signature of licensed provider, according to the following guidelines.
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- 3B.1.09 Medication Refills.doc (41.5 KB)
CSHS providers will provide to all patients who have undergone diagnostic studies their results in a timely manner.
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All abnormal pap results will have a follow-up plan documented in the patient’s chart within four weeks of receiving the report.
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For patient receiving at least her 3rd Depo Provera Injection
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It is the policy of Shasta Community Health Center to prescribe injectable contraceptive medications to female patients at risk of pregnancy.
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- Contraceptive Injectable 12.07.doc (46.5 KB)
Flow chart mapping out new patient Depo Provera Protocol
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- 3B.1.30 Depo Provera Protocol.doc (24.5 KB)