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Nadie sabe que respira... Hasta que la falta el aire!

Este libro cómico es una herramienta para que los promotores de salud compartan información básica sobre el aire que respiramos, su contaminación y la salud respiratoria. Aquí encontrarán, de manera ilustrativa y sencilla, conceptos básicos del sistema respiratorio; las fuentes de contaminación del aire,  entre ellas el material particulado; cómo leer el índice de calidad del aire; y, la importancia del uso del equipo de protección personal (PPE) para que los trabajadores se protejan de las enfermedades respiratorias.

Sample protocol for the clinical management of patients on Depo-Provera. Can be used in conjuction with the protocol for Depo injection found in the nursing protocol section.
Which papers have provided the most interesting recent advances in tuberculosis research? Which new discoveries in pathogenesis, epidemiology, drug discovery or vaccine development have been the most important or are likely to have the highest impact to the field?
Take Charge of your Diabetes(English 2003 and Spanish 2004) A variety of diabetes related publications and products.
Offers free air transportation to medical treatment if patient is unable to find own transportation. Patient must be medically stable.
The National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship, the only survivor-led advocacy organization working exclusively on behalf of people with all types of cancer and their families, advocates for quality cancer care.
This site offers mammorgams and other women's health services and vouchers for migrant workers.