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The National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP) is a clinical trials cooperative group supported by the National Cancer Institute (NCI).
In the event of pandemic influenza, businesses will play a key role in protecting employees' health and safety as well as limiting the negative impact to the economy and society. Planning for pandemic influenza is critical.
To allow for cost allocation to be included in funding requests.
To safeguard the handling of cash received as a donation or payment for goods
This site contains patient education resources for a number of oral health issues. These resources are available in English, Spanish, Hmong, Chinese, Russian and Vietnamese.

This table for healthcare providers and planners provides information related to spacing between the two doses of 2009 H1N1 Vaccine for children 6 months through 9 years of age.

EPA Office of Children's Health Protection provides a good list of children's health resources on the web.

The figures show that immigration trends are forming a unique generational divide: those immigrants over 40 are largely white, while those under 40 are increasingly Hispanic, Asian and from other minority groups.

Shawnna Hughes divorced her abusive husband. But four days later a judge revoked her divorce because Shawnna Hughes was pregnant-- and pregnant women in Washington, according to this judge, can't get divorced.