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Why a Network?

Why a Network?

…I realized that, like the farmworkers we strive to serve, many of us on the frontlines of migrant health are isolated. We face many of the same challenges and frustrations but have no one with whom to share experiences or to call on for help.

Why then a network? Because a network is a professional home where we can share ideas, stories and gather our strength together. Because a network can take those new ideas and develop models of care that can make our efforts more effective. And because a network can gather our individual voices and send a powerful message to decision-makers about the health needs of farmworkers and their families.

I love my work, even though some days I think it will be the death of me. I like coming home feeling I did something truly worthwhile that day, even though I wish I wasn’t so tired and it wasn’t so late. And I cherish the opportunities I’ve had to meet and work with other remarkable people who feel as I do. Through our network, I am not alone. My reach can go beyond my grasp, and my voice does not have to be lost in the wind.

I welcome you home.

-- Dr. Steve Crane, former MCN Board Chair