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Five on Friday: Fair Trade Month 2023

Five on Friday: Fair Trade Month 2023

The climate crisis – layered on top of political instability, lack of economic opportunity, violence, often serving as a final straw – is pushing millions of small farmers in Central America deeper into instability. Many choose to migrate in search of a more stable, safer, healthier life. At Migrant Clinicians Network, we work hard to support the health needs of migrants as they move and then settle into their new homes, and we call on our constituents, partners, and governments to step up action to slow climate change to reduce the need for migration in the first place. But as individual consumers, there’s more we can do: buy fair trade products. Fairly or ethically traded goods promise to put more money and control in the hands of farmers, often organized in farmer cooperatives, as in the case for coffee – and this empowerment builds resilience in the face of climate crisis. It’s Fair Trade Month! So, here’s your annual reminder to think ahead to your Halloween candy choices, in addition to your daily cup of coffee, the vanilla in your cookies, the bananas in the kids’ lunches, the flowers on the table, and choose products that empower the farmers and workers who produce them, if you can. Now on to Five on Friday!


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Speaking of the climate crisis, Jillian shared this important Grist article on a topic we are working on, and which features MCN partners Resilience Force: A Warming Planet is Creating a Booming, and Dangerous, Disaster-Restoration Industry


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Robert forwarded on this poll illuminating why people choose not to get a COVID vaccine, on the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy webpage. Education is key to overcome these misperceptions. COVID Booster Uptake Hindered by Prior Infections, Fear of Side Effects


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Claire sent in the announcement that Venezuelan migrants crossing the border will begin to be deported by to Venezuela, despite a lack of diplomatic relations with the country. US to Restart Deportations to Venezuela in Effort to Reduce Record Border Arrivals


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Claire also shared the op-ed in the New York Times on the “climate missing,” people who go missing as a result of climate change, both during disasters and during migration. Climate Change Is Forcing Families into a New Kind of Indefinite Hell

bar divider Two vaccinated people give thumbs up

Weekly Win: Hoorah for the Bridge programs! The CDC Bridge and HHS Bridge funding allow health centers to get their community vaccinated, and provides funding for outreach and education on COVID. Del sent along this Bridge Program Factsheet from the National Association of Community Health Centers. FY 2023 COVID-19 Bridge Funding for Health Centers

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Have a safe and healthy weekend!