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Five on Friday: The Impact of Disasters on Food Security

 Five on Friday: The Impact of Disasters on Food Security

Friday has finally arrived! Here are five resources & reads that MCN staff shared this week as we keep up with the fast-moving world of health justice. We share lots more throughout the week on social media – follow us on X (Twitter), Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn!


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Mónica offered this ABC News piece on a new study. Could Low Serotonin Levels Contribute to Long COVID?


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Jillian recommends reading this Washington Post article (without paywall via Yahoo). Primary Care Saves Lives. Here's Why It's Failing Americans.


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Kaethe forwarded on Greater Good Science Center’s list of articles “that explore the roots of peace, war, and reconciliation, offer resources for well-being and activism, and remind us of human goodness” -- much-needed this month! Greater Good Resources for Peace and Conflict

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Alma G. recommended this newly released report from the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The Impact of Disasters on Agriculture and Food Security: Avoiding and Reducing Losses through Investment in Resilience

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Weekly Win: Robert celebrated the provision out of the US District Court in San Diego, preventing any administration during the next eight years from separating parents and children at the US-Mexico border. Court Settlement Would Bar Separating Migrant Families as Trump Did

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Have a safe and healthy weekend!