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WEBINAR: Structural Competencies in Migration Health

Part 1 of the 6 webinar series: Essential Clinical Issues in Migration Health

DATE RECORDED: March 19, 2014
PRESENTED BY:  Deliana Garcia, MA, International Research and Development, Migrant Clinicians Network

View Recorded Webinar  

 Participant Evaluation  

 Presentation Slides (PDF)

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  • Complete the Participant Evaluation associated with each webinar
  • Send an email with your first and last name stating which webinar you completed to

**Note: Due to technical difficulities the first 7 minutes of the presentation are not recorded. Please refer to the pdf of the slides for the content that was covered in those 7 minutes.

Over the last 30 years, considerable attention has been paid in the clinical setting to cultural competency- the ability to mitigate against the effects of the sociocultural differences between clinicians and patients and to take into account how culture affects the symptoms presented or the patients’ attitude about health care.  More recently, scholars and clinicians have encouraged those in practice or health professions training to focus not only on the behaviors and beliefs of cultural groups but more importantly to consider the structural determinants, prejudices, injustices and blind spots, the “pathologies of social systems” that affect health outcomes and the stigma experienced by patients. The session will introduce participants to the broad framework of structural competency and the five core structural competencies.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify the structures that shape clinical interactions;
  2. Discuss the means of developing an extra-clinical language of structure;
  3. Rearticulate “cultural” formulations in structural terms;
  4. Explain the process of observing and imagining structural interventions; and
  5. Describe the concept of structural humility.



Farmer, Paul, Bruce Nizeye, Sara Stulac, Salmaan Keshavjee. 2006. Structural Violence and Clinical Medicine. PLoS Medicine 2006 (3): 1686-1691.

Holmes, Seth, Fresh Fruit Broken Bodies, 2013

Messac, Luke, Dan Ciccarone, Jeffrey Draine, Philippe Bourgois. 2013. The good-enough science-and-politics of anthropological collaboration with evidence-based clinical research: Four ethnographic case studies. Social Science & Medicine 99 (2013): 176-186

Quesada, James, Laurie Kain Hart, & Philippe Bourgois. 2011. Structural Vulnerability and Health: Latino Migrant Laborers in the United States. Medical Anthropology, Vol. 30, No. 4: 339- 362

Srivastava, Ranjana. Complicated Lives—Taking the Social History. New England Journal of Medicine 2011 (365): 587-589.

Willen, Sarah. 2012. How is Health-Related “Deservingness” Reckoned? Perspectives from Unauthorized Im/migrants in Tel Aviv. Social Science & Medicine 74 (2012): 812-821.

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