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COVID-19 y nuestra comunidad

Covid-19 y nuestra comunidad ¡Más vale prevenir que lamentar! es un  material educativo para apoyar la labor de los promotores de salud comunitaria  sobre COVID-19 y su prevención. Se complementa con  una guía con sugerencias concretas de como usar el rotafolio y enlaces a recursos  para quienes quieren profundizar en el tema e investigar si hay algún cambio en la información.

El rotafolio incluye conceptos básicos de COVID-19, la prevención y la vacunación en forma de mensajes claros y sencillos  que se  apoyan en ilustraciones culturalmente apropiadas para facilitar el proceso de comunicación y transmisión de información a los miembros de la comunidad. Usted puede descargar gratuitamente estos recursos tanto en inglés como en español.

Sample process for initiating a consultation or referral.

Title screen of Deconstructing Health Messages Prezi Presentation

The analysis encouraged by these Five Key Questions, developed by the Center for Media Literacy (CML), can inform the decision-making or actions that we may take in a media-driven world.

A Prezi presentation that includes the Five Key Questions accompanied by links out to related resources is available to view here:

English presentation

Below clinicians can find Powerpoint Presentations about misinformation and disinformation which they can present to fellow clinicians, patients, and their community.

The West Virginia Rural Health Research Center (WVRHRC) pursues a multi-disciplinary research effort directed to improve environmental health for rural populations. Collaborators from public health, geographic information systems, nursing, pharmacy, environmental science, health policy and other disciplines work together to conduct policy-relevant research to achieve this goal.

This new guide from the National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership is intended to help civil legal aid practitioners message their work to health care audiences in order to build stronger cross sector medical-legal partnerships and to encourage investment in that work.

In 2015, for the first time in over 20 years, the Environmental Protection Agency updated the Worker Protection Standard (WPS). The WPS provides basic workplace protections for agricultural workers to reduce the risk of pesticide exposre. This issue brief overviews the major revisions that are particularly relevant for clinicians caring for agricultural workers.