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Chief Program Officer
Migrant Clinicians Network
As the Chief Program Officer for Migrant Clinicians Network, Deliana Garcia has dedicated more than thirty years to the health and wellness needs of migrant and other underserved immigrant populations. Throughout her career she has worked in the areas of reproductive health, sexual and intimate partner violence, access to primary care, and infectious disease control and prevention. Garcia is responsible for the development and expansion of Health Network, an international bridge case management and patient navigation system to make available across international borders the health records of migrants diagnosed with infectious and chronic diseases. She has served as the Principal Investigator or member of the research team for a number of studies addressing topics, such as sexual and intimate partner violence prevention among Latino migrant and immigrant families, trauma in transit for migrants crossing international borders, and emotionally-charged dialogue between patients and health care providers.
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- Complete the Participant Evaluation associated with this webinar
- Send an email with your first and last name stating which webinar you completed to contedu@migrantclinician.org