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Mi Salud es mi tesoro - Puerto Rico

La diabetes es una condición de salud común pero complicada que enfrentan los trabajadores agrícolas. Para ayudarles a conocer sobre esta enfermedad, Migrant Clinicians Network se asoció con Salvador Sáenz (artista profesional y coloborador) para crear "Mi salud es mi tesoro: una guía para vivir bien con diabetes". Este libro cómico en español explora el tema a través de la historia de un trabajador agrícola, quien recientemente fue diagnosticado con diabetes.

MCN webinar what to do when diabetes affects your mood

DATE: May 10, 2017, 1 pm (ET)

SPEAKERS: Patria Alguila and Ileana Ponce-Gonzalez, MD, MPH, CNC



Continuing Education Credit

To receive CME* or CNE credit after viewing this webinar, you must:

  • Complete the Participant Evaluation associated with this webinar
  • Send an email with your first and last name stating which webinar you completed to



​In this webinar participants will be able to identify the Health Resource Services Administration performance measures related to depression, describe symptoms of depression, understand how to encourage patients to control and manage their diabetes and depression​, and understand the principle barriers faced by patients in the control and management of their diabetes and depression


Learning Objectives

  1. Define the term mental illness
  2. List at least two symptoms of depression
  3. Define the HRSA quality measure for depression screening
  4. Understand at least one barrier in the control of diabetes and depression


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under cooperative agreement number U30CS09742, Technical Assistance to Community and Migrant Health Centers and Homeless for $1,094,709.00 with 0% of the total NCA project financed with non-federal sources. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.


FECHA DE GRABACION: 17 de febrero 2016

PRESENTADO POR: Ileana Ponce-González, MD, MPH | Nelly Ayala, RN, MSN | Juan J Martinez, MSN, RN, CDE


Crédito de educación continua

Para recibir credito de Trabajador/a de Salud Comunitaria o Educacion de Continua de Enfermera después de ver alguno de estos seminarios usted debe hacer lo siguiente:

  • Completar la evaluación participante asociado a cada webinar
  • Enviar un correo electrónico con su nombre y apellido indicando que ha completado a

Los determinantes sociales de salud son las condiciones en que las personas nacen, se desarrollan, viven, trabajan y envejecen. Cada vez más, están siendo reconocidos por su relación con la incidencia creciente de la diabetes tipo 2 en los EE.UU., así como las oportunidades que presentan para nosotros para contrarrestarla. Muchas intervenciones para la diabetes tipo 2  se centran en factores biológicos y de comportamiento, tales como síntomas, la dieta y la actividad física. Sin embargo, es igualmente importante para hacerle frente a la enfermedad la influencia de los entornos físicos y sociales, que pueden influir en la aparición temprana de la enfermedad , el manejo y sus complicaciones, tales como los bajos ingresos, la inseguridad laboral, el bajo nivel de instrucción academica, y la una pobre calidad de vida. En este curso  aprenderán el efecto que las desigualdades socioeconómicas tienen en el desarrollo de la diabetes en los EE.UU.

Objetivos de aprendizaje
  1. Entender la diabetes como un problema de salud pública.
  2. Entender el efecto que las desigualdades socioeconómicas tienen en el desarrollo de la diabetes en los EE.UU.
  3. Incorporar el conocimiento de la Diabetes y los determinantes sociales en el desarrollo de estrategias efectivas para involucrar a las comunidades, los pacientes y los médicos para gestionar por la diabetes.
  4. Aprender sobre los servicios sociales de apoyo que pueden apoyar en última instancia a superar las desigualdades sociales en la población.
Lectura Adicional

Part 5 of the 6 webinar series: Essential Clinical Issues in Migration Health

DATE RECORDED: June 5, 2014
PRESENTED BY: Katherine Brieger, RD and Elizabeth Magenheimer

View Recorded Webinar

Participant Evaluation  

Presentation Slides (PDF)

To receive CME* or CNE credit after viewing any of these webinars you must do the following:
  • Complete the Participant Evaluation associated with each webinar
  • Send an email with your first and last name stating which webinar you completed to

Diabetes continues to be one of the most common and challenging health condition confronting migrants and other underserved populations. It is clear that a healthy lifestyle is critical to mitigating the impact of diabetes on individuals and the population, however effective and appropriate interventions can be difficult to design. Fairhaven Community Health Center in Connecticut and Hudson River Healthcare in New York, are two health centers that have long led the way in creating culturally appropriate lifestyle programs for migrants and other underserved patients. In this session the presenters will discuss lessons learned from the development of a variety of programs for diabetics and other patients including a community garden, nutrition classes, cooking classes, weight management and strategies to encourage exercise. The session will address the clinical core measures related to nutrition and BMI and will also discuss current research test second line drug effectiveness in Type 2 DM. Available in English

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe culturally appropriate diabetes intervention strategies
  2. Identify strategies to address clinical core competencies related to nutrition and BMI to improve quality care.
  3. Receive “take home” examples of how to incorporate effective nutrition, weight loss, exercise and other health lifestyle strategies.



Download the Spanish Toolkit Materials

National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse,

Bright Bodies,

This webinar is the third in a series of seven in our Clinician Orienatation to Migration Health.

DATE RECORDED: Wednesday, April 17, 2013
PRESENTED BY: Edward Zuroweste, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Migrant Clinicians Network

To view the recorded version of this webinar, click here.

Download Resource

This flyer gives what to do and not do while traveling. Created by Migrant Clinicians Network Diabetes Program Funding provided by the Diabetes Program, Texas Department of Health. Available in Spanish and English.

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This flyer describes oral health for the diabetic.  It is in English and Spanish. 

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This flyer explains diabetes and kidney disease.  Available in Spanish and English.

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This flyer describes depression and the steps to health living.  Available in Spanish and English. 

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Sample clinical protocol for Type I and II Diabetes.
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The Diabetes and Healthy Eyes Toolkit helps community health workers provide sight-saving information to people with diabetes. The Toolkit is available in Spanish and English and includes a:

  • Diabetes and Healthy Eyes Flipchart to help community health workers educate people with diabetes about eye diseases in a small group setting.
  • Diabetes and Healthy Eyes Module for background information and materials to assist community health workers in using the flipchart.
  • Watch Out for Your Vision! Brochure to distribute to people with diabetes to educate them about eye disease and the importance of getting a dilated eye exam at least once a year.
  • Medicare Benefits Card to promote the glaucoma and diabetic eye disease benefit under Medicare and inform the public about eligibility.
  • Publications Order Form to obtain diabetic eye disease materials and resources for distributing to people in your community.
  • Evaluation Form to share your thoughts and experiences using the Diabetes and Healthy Eyes Toolkit.
  • CD-ROM with copies of the module, flipchart and handouts.

Additional materials include a:

  • TRACK Diabetes Magnet (English only) to provide tips to people with diabetes about keeping their health on TRACK.
  • Lo bello entra por los deje que la diabetes cierre esa ventana (Beauty enters through the eyes. Don't let diabetes close the window.) Poster (Spanish only) to remind people with diabetes about receiving an annual dilated eye exam and offer tips about how to control diabetes.

This brochure was created by the Migrant Clinicians Network Diabetes Program with funding from the Texas Department of Health Diabetes Program / Council. Brochure details basic information on Acanthosis Nigricans. Available in Spanish and English.

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The well-known seminar entitled, “The Carville Approach to Management of the Neuropathic Foot” has been modified for online instruction. The material presented includes principles and protocols that are time tested and proven effective for prevention of amputation in the lower extremity due to neuropathy. For course registration contact Josie Major at 800-642-2477, 225-756-3761 or via email

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An essay that appeared in CDC's publication, Preventing Chronic Disease: Public Health Research, Practice and Policy, January 2005

Editorial about the case for taking public health action on the issue of Type 2 Diabetes.

Catalog of patient education materials in English and Spanish for perinatal issues related to diabetes and gestational diabetes.