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MCN webinar what to do when diabetes affects your mood

DATE: May 10, 2017, 1 pm (ET)

SPEAKERS: Patria Alguila and Ileana Ponce-Gonzalez, MD, MPH, CNC



Continuing Education Credit

To receive CME* or CNE credit after viewing this webinar, you must:

  • Complete the Participant Evaluation associated with this webinar
  • Send an email with your first and last name stating which webinar you completed to



​In this webinar participants will be able to identify the Health Resource Services Administration performance measures related to depression, describe symptoms of depression, understand how to encourage patients to control and manage their diabetes and depression​, and understand the principle barriers faced by patients in the control and management of their diabetes and depression


Learning Objectives

  1. Define the term mental illness
  2. List at least two symptoms of depression
  3. Define the HRSA quality measure for depression screening
  4. Understand at least one barrier in the control of diabetes and depression


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under cooperative agreement number U30CS09742, Technical Assistance to Community and Migrant Health Centers and Homeless for $1,094,709.00 with 0% of the total NCA project financed with non-federal sources. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.

mcn webinar Qué hacer cuando la diabetes afecta su estado de ánimo


FECHA DE GRABACION: 3 de Mayo de 2017, 1 pm ET (zona horaria del Este)

ORADORAS: Ileana Ponce-Gonzalez, MD, MPH y Daniel Ramos, MPH



Crédito de educación continua

Para recibir credito de Trabajador/a de Salud Comunitaria o Educacion de Continua de Enfermera después de ver alguno de estos seminarios usted debe hacer lo siguiente:

  • Completar la evaluación participante asociado a cada webinar
  • Enviar un correo electrónico con su nombre y apellido indicando que ha completado a



​​En este seminario los participantes podrán identificar las medidas de desempeño de la Administración de Servicios de Recursos de Salud relacionadas con la depresión, podrán describir los síntomas de la depresión, entender cómo alentar a los pacientes para que ellos mismos puedan controlar su diabetes y depresión, y comprender las barreras principales que enfrentan pacientes con diabetes en el control y manejo de su enfermedad y la depresión.


Objetivos de aprendizaje

  1. Definir el término ‘enfermedad mental’
  2. Enumerar al menos dos síntomas de la depresión
  3. Definir las medidas de calidad de HRSA para el cribado de la depresión
  4. Entender al menos una barrera en el control de la diabetes y la depresión


Lectura Adicional


Este proyecto cuenta con el apoyo de la Administración de Recursos y Servicios de Salud (HRSA) del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de los Estados Unidos bajo el acuerdo de cooperación número U30CS09742, Asistencia Técnica a Centros de Salud Comunitarios y Migrantes y Personas sin Hogar por $ 1,094,709.00 con 0% del total Proyecto NCA financiado con fuentes no federales. Esta información o contenido y las conclusiones son las del autor y no deben ser interpretadas como la posición o política oficial de, ni cualquier endosos deben ser inferidos por HRSA, HHS o el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos.

Family Psychosocial Screening also assesses a number of other risk factors for developmental and behavior problems. These include frequent household moves, single parenting, three or more children in the home, less than a high school education, and unemployment. Four or more such risk factors including mental health problems and an authoritarian parenting style (observed when parents use commands excessively or are negative and less than responsive to child initiated interests) is associated with a substantial drop in children's intelligence and subsequent school achievement . In such cases, children should also be referred for early stimulation programs such as Head Start or a quality day care or preschool program. 

PCMH Standard 2, Element C: Comprehensive Health Assessment, Factor 2: Practice conducts and documents a health assessment including family, social, cultural characteristics.

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This policy is created to outline the process for the management and eventual discharge from service of difficult patients. This includes those who are perceived to be difficult with respect to recurrent hostile behavior, inappropriate use of FHC services, excessive non-compliance (including financial obligations), inappropriate use of controlled substances, or other patterns of behavior that represent excessive lack of respect or responsibility on the part of the patient.
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